Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Flash, 100 Word Flash, Photography, Hand-drawn/Digital Art

  • We Accept Submissions All Year-Round.

  • Writing submissions must be up to 750 words single-spaced.  

  • All Writing Submissions Must be Sent as a Google Doc to

  • For All Art and Photography submissions please submit a JPG file.

    When sending us your submission(s) please write in the subject line your name, the type of work you are submitting, and what Issue you are submitting to. Please include a brief note if possible, describing the piece, how/why you came to create it, your creative process, or anything you might wish to include if we publish your work.

  • Please add any social handles you would like featured when we promote your work and our Zine.

  • Multiple submissions of different categories are allowed, but not all submissions are guaranteed to be published. We might save a submitted piece for a future issue. 

  • We ask for first North American publishing rights. Authors and artists retain use of their copyrights, own their work, and have the right to future use of this work. 

  • We are not interested in censoring writers and artists of creative expression but we reserve the right to decline material that the editors deem inappropriate or discriminating.